Thursday, September 08, 2016

My wife and I don't know how to ensure clean divorce

My wife and I row all of the time and it has got to a point where both of us agreed we might be better off apart. But we’re both terrified of what the reactions of our friends and relatives will be when we break up.
As a result, we still haven’t told anyone.
Our two kids are under 10. Our parents and friends think we are the perfect couple, so how can we come clean and let everyone know we’ve been living a total lie and that our marriage is over?
I don’t think you should come clean just yet. You might be a long way from actually splitting up. Yes, you row all the time, but so do lots of other couples.
You must have something going for you if other people can’t spot the cracks in your relationship. Also maybe one reason you’re not spilling the beans is because you still harbour the possibility of staying together.
You need to really sit each other down and discuss the future of your marriage and the children.
This will either help you to give the marriage another go or help you prepare to break the news of its inevitable end.

(Bunmi Sofola)

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