Thursday, December 10, 2015

CLIMATE TALKS IN PARIS: Mother Nature has given up on us

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC, now has a document from the Paris Climate Change Convention.
Let’s hope the industrial world will hearken.
Meanwhile, Mother Nature has a way of mocking us: to get to the pre-Paris talks held in Bonn from 19 to 23 October, delegates fouled the climate with emissions the equivalent of that from a small city.
Looking at the crowd at the Paris Convention, the quantity of ecosystem-crippling gasses released into the atmosphere is enough for them to discuss throughout the jamboree.
Mother Nature has given up on us.

Let’s face it. If they cannot agree on arms (mutually destructive ones) control, why should anyone believe that they mean what is written on paper? The industry that belches pollutants into the air is directly or indirectly linked to the arms race.
As the delegates move about, I hope their various means of transportation do not get lost in smog while they seek for in-roads into the booming air purification business in Beijing.
The UNFCCC Document 

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